
Washonn is not just any laundry service in the market. It expertises in thorough disinfection and cleaning of specific products as well as refurbishing of worn out items like shoes and bags. It came to us seeking improvement in their social media creatives and also required the content to be pretty much out of the box. 

We used Washonn’s USPs and marketed the brand through various verticals. The method of moment marketing was also applied to make it appealing to the viewers and to create content which was hardly related to a laundry service. 


  • Unique Concept - Which opens doors for marketers to explore.

  • Wide range of services

  • Well known in the market for its diverse services


  • Poor creativity in posts

  • Absence of branding

  • Focus was only on sales

  • Poor communication of the message via advertisements

How did Work Digitally Revamp the Situation?

It took us quite some time to persuade the brand to try out different ideas and not just stick to selling the products on social media. There were no objections because results could be seen days after the transition took place on their profiles.

Objectives & Steps Taken: :

  • Increase profile visits, engagement.

  • To make the audience understand the diverse services the brand provides and its rarity in the market.

  • Focusing on specific services where there were less conversions before.

  • Initiated ‘Moment Marketing’ to make the page versatile.

  • Thorough revision of the creative aesthetics. 

  • Creation of niche audiences for advertising.

  • Constant change in content buckets.

  • Running of advertisements of posts which gained high traction organically.

Our social media posts consisted of various content buckets:

  • Brand services

  • Seasonal posts (winter, summer etc)

  • Hygiene being a focus since the pandemic.

  • Stressing the importance of cleanliness through memes.

  • Moment Marketing posts. For example, Rafael, IPL, Ladakh border tension etc..

  • Fact based to bust out common myths.

Digital Marketing

Facebook & Instagram Marketing::

Digital Marketing

  • A drastic change in content and creative design was made to make the page look appealing.

  • Promotion of services was done for all the 4 locations within a suitable radius for each location.

  • Various content buckets were introduced to increase engagement. (Games, discounts, memes, fact based etc)

WhatsApp Marketing

Campaigns were run every weekend via WhatsApp to extensively market via broadcast messaging. This was a way to directly reach out to customers.

Digital Marketing


  • Our strategies resulted in a significant increase in conversions as well as in creating page traction. 

  • Enquiries for services have increased.

  • Engagement on the brand’s social media pages have increased.

  • Led to extensive awareness and visibility in the market amongst fellow brands and competitors.